On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 1:24 PM Stephen Adolph <twospru...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Interesting, but I think in my case I need to rely on small packets.
> This is because there is no time to bit-bang an interface and ALSO manage
> a circular buffer, and then move to memory.

For TPPD, the request/response nature is the main flow control. You don't
request another packet until you're done handling the current one, so you
can't get overrun.

Doesn't seem like packet size should matter.

You are bitbanging at a fast rate. Basically either you can keep up or you
can't. SInce it's working, you're keeping up.

How big the packets should be is more a function of how much space you want
to reserve for a receive buffer.

> I'm thinking to just read in data and directly place it into the Keyboard
> buffer.   Once the packet is read - pause and process the Rx data.  Ready
> to send another command then.
You lost me on the keyboard stuff. I'm missing part of the picture. Is it
necessary to be doing keyboard/video I/O during file transfer?

It would be cool to do so of course.

-- John.

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