Hi All,

I thought I’d post a quick Hello, here as I just got on this mailing list. It’s 
great to see that there’s more people still actively doing stuff with the 
m100/102 and similar. I’ve picked my 102 up a few months ago from eBay. It 
worked when I got it, the mainboard looked very clean (almost as new), no 
leaking caps, battery looked great. After a month or so it stopped working 
though (garbled mess on the display). So first I replaced the old battery with 
a new Chinese ordered from Ali. That didn’t seem to work. So after a while of 
seeing if longer trickle charging would change things (it didn’t) I ordered a 
capacity kit.
After fixing my initial (seemingly not so great) soldering I got the 102 to 
start again. However, the clock wasn’t working properly (it lost track of time 
when I turned off the 102). So I opened up the machine again and saw that the 
battery was looking really bad (lots of corrosion on the sides), as I’d kept 
the original battery I put that back, but still the clock would stop while the 
102 was turned off. So I figured I’d wait a while until it got a chance to 
charge the battery.. and lo and behold… after a few days the clock worked just 
So now I’ve got a fully operational and great looking 102 (I had retro-brighted 
it earlier). I might have to get a new (this time quality) battery as since 
1986 its probably not holding all that much charge anymore, though seemingly 
enough to allow changing batteries without loosing memory content).
I had also early gotten a null modem hooked up to my Mac over USB and using 
DosBox even gotten file transfers working through Desklink. Anyway, I’m having 
a whole lot of fun with this great little machine. So far I’ve been using it 
for writing (nice distraction free working on a pretty nice keyboard).
Next I’m planning to update my Rex (which I had also gotten earlier just before 
my 102 broke down) to the latest build and do the hardware mod so I can play 
with custom roms. I’m planning to use that to do some OS development (something 
I’ve been wanting to do for over a decade, since I’ve played with modifying 
Minix in the early 90’s). Virtual T under a VM running Windows 10 seems to work 
pretty well as a development environment, though it would be great to have 
integration with Visual Studio Code :).
Anyway, I’ll post updates on the custom rom OS dev when I”ve got anything to 
Looking forward to lots of play on this not-so-new toy :)


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