Thanks, perhaps it might make sense to do a conditional compile for 100 vs.
102 graphic characters to handle people's preferences.

As far as the NEC goes, on the NEC PC-8201A & 8300, only 3 graphics
characters are defined (128-130), the rest are blank, which is why my
CHR100.CO implements 130-255 from the Model 100 so that Model 100-->NEC
converted programs are pleasant to look at.  Now on the original Japanese
version of the PC-8201 (note this is without the "A"), it has about half of
the graphic characters taken up by Kata-kana characters from ROM, but since
the 8201A & 8300 were the only ones widely sold in the Western world I
probably wouldn't spend the extra time pulling in all that Kata-kana
character data.


On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 2:11 PM John R. Hogerhuis <> wrote:

> On Sun, Jun 28, 2020, 1:37 PM Gary Weber <> wrote:
>> Let's say someone hypothetically had the gumption (I love that word) to
>> add the additional font data to the VT100 Terminal source file known as
>> "Fonts.h", in order to define the additional characters from 128-255 with
>> the Model T's graphics characters...
>> If someone were going to do this, which of the graphics character sets
>> would be the most desirable, Model 100, or the slightly tweaked Model 102?
> Probably 102.
> But they're almost the same so with enough gumption you could conditional
> compile both ways.
> Are you thinking about doing NEC too?
> -- John.

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