Greetings all, So I recently acquired a Tandy 102 with a Booster Pak. The machine booted fine but the Booster Pak wasn't able to be initialized. Turns out it had a completely dead 3V battery, which I replaced, and finally an OUT 5,0 & CALL 911 allowed the thing to come up. Fantastic!
This Booster Pak seems to be a bit different than what I was expecting though. The two molex sockets that the manual mentions are not on the board. And, where there should be jumpers that let you select between RAM or ROM for each of the sockets, there's a soldered-in jumper on the board itself. Plus, aside from the two system ROMs, this Booster Pak is 100% RAM. Every available socket is filled with a RAM chip. It doesn't appear that I'd even be able to remove any RAM chips to put in some option ROMs unless I desolder the the jumper above the socket, and solder in a different jumper going to the other hole. This looks to be from the factory this way, too. Does anyone else have or has anyone seen a "RAM only" version of a Booster Pak? Just seems weird that they'd eliminate the ability to even stuff a ROM chip into any of the sockets without a lot of trouble.. Or am I completely misinformed that this version of the board can deal with either a RAM or ROM chip in these sockets without changing the jumped signals at all? By the way the Booster Pak PDF manual I have is from 1987, but the board is actually dated 1988 and has a "B+" designation. -- Gary Weber