Looking at the wimodem...
how about this?


Untested since I just drew it up now. It acts as a male-male gender-changer for the rs232 pins, connecting pin2 to pn2, 3 to 3 etc, for pins 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,20,22

The WiModem stands up instead of projecting out of the back, and the light and oled faces the user.

Seems power is awkward for the WiModem though. If it needs a usb power source, then standing up like this you'd really want a right-angle usb cord. Myself, I would probably hack on a lipo battery and usb charger module or get power from the system bus or barcode ports on the M100 or something.


On 7/7/20 12:46 PM, Gary Weber wrote:
 > Won't you run into the same (actually worse) problem in that case?

Jim, you're absolutely right; trying to adapt that would be even worse...

On Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 8:16 AM Jim Anderson <jim.ander...@kpu.ca <mailto:jim.ander...@kpu.ca>> wrote:

     > -----Original Message-----
     > I'm halfway tempted to desolder the female DB25 on my WiModem232 and
     > replace it with a male version just to eliminate the gender change
     > entirely.

Won't you run into the same (actually worse) problem in that case? The pin order of the male connector is left-right reversed from the
    pin order of the female connector... unless you put a bit of
    adapting cable/PCB in between...



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