Is it expected or previously encountered that I'm unable to type several of the shifted keys when in VirtualT? The full colon, double quote, greater, less, and plus symbol are not typed when those keys are pressed, among a few others. The little keyboard status line down at the bottom seems to be slightly confused. With all the keys that work -- for example the exclamation point -- it shows "SHIFT-'1'", that is, SHIFT and the unshifted key -- but for the keys that don't, for example the full colon, it shows "SHIFT+'+'". It seems to think I'm pressing SHIFT alongside the shifted key, rather than "SHIFT+'unshifted'".
I just built from the master branch on Sourceforge using the latest FLTK in Homebrew which seems to be 1.3.5, on pretty fresh install of OSX 10.15.