On Wed, Sep 16, 2020 at 7:12 PM RETRO Innovations <go4re...@go4retro.com>

> On 9/16/2020 7:26 PM, John R. Hogerhuis wrote:
> I understand.  My hope is to document the most "correct" behavior, since
> one has to send back something in that spot either way.

As long as it's not so big it crashes a client, not sure it matters.
Unfortunately I don't know why I picked it. All I can say is that in 15
years or so it hasn't mattered.

> As a test, I did place a 65932 byte file on the drive and feed it back to
> to TS-DOS 4.1, but it does not understand the 4 byte 0x11 return.  It
> handles it OK, but claims the file is 65932-65536 bytes in size

I don't understand. You're giving a range, but it only reports one value
for a given file. Are you suggesting it changes? Under what circumstances.
What was in the file? All permitted characters?

> Probably the bootstrap programs that inload the DOS100.CO isn't directory
> aware.
> It's for compatibility.
> I added it for Kurt McCullum I think
> If Kurt's on the list, I'd be interested to hear of the need.  I'd assume
> one would just restart LaddieAlpha, which should place it back in the root.
Well think of this use case. LaddieAlpha running on another
computer, owning a serial port. Maybe headless. Or at least inconvenient to
access while holding your Model T

It turns out I did add a feature on request that allows you to exit
remotely by going into TELCOM and hitting ENTER, but that wasn't the
original design. The assumption was that it would stay running.

And even if you could, then what? If you have a shell redirected to the com
port that LaddieAlpha is running in, then you could start it back up. But
if not, you have to get to the host computer. Which by the way may be at
the other end of a Wimodem232 link.

Also, the "current directory" is state. You could change the directory, go
away to make a sandwich, come back and not remember or even think about
what state the drive was in before.

Hook up your other Model T to the connection, try to bootstrap TS-DOS and
find yourself scratching your head as to why it's not working.

So this is just a feature to be a little less stateful in a normal use case
of bootstrapping a T into TS-DOS RAM.

But, not a required feature. Certainly not anything a TPDD does.

> BTW, the other filtering I do is extension correction for BA versus DO
>> files. Many BA files around on Club100 are not real, tokenized BA files,
>> and if you try to inload them with TS-DOS you'll crash your Model 100.
> So LaddieAlpha detects them and presents them as DO files if they have DO
> content.
> I didn't see that.  Is there a function I should focus on?
> I dunno you have an older version. Anything that looks for ".BA"

In my version, ScanDirectory()

-- John.


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