R.I.P. John.  We chatted many times over the past 15 or so years and he was a 
nice fellow.
    On Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 03:17:50 PM EDT, John R. Hogerhuis 
<jho...@pobox.com> wrote:  
 Hello Club,

I wanted to let you all know that one of our long-time friends and members, 
John Ph. Graf of Galesville, Wisconsin passed away June 5, 2020. As sometimes 
happens, I discovered the fact recently when his emails from the list started 
to bounce.

It seems John's last interaction with us was in March of last year.

He was a long-time newspaper publisher and also served as mayor the mayor of 
his town for 6 years.


My connection to John is he gave me some of his NEC 8500 equipment years back. 
And he reached out often with sympathy and support when we lost Rick and 
through the ongoing evolution of the list. He was a friendly person always 
willing to lend a hand.

Goodbye John.

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