Mike -
Great to hear from you.  I very much appreciate the information and found the 
history extremely interesting.

    On Saturday, November 28, 2020, 10:52:47 PM EST, Mike Nugent 
<m100l...@tmne.com> wrote:  

On Nov 28, 2020, at 13:48, Chris Fezzler <fezz...@yahoo.com> wrote:

Any preference between Microsoft MultiPlan or Lucid?

Lucid employs a sparse matrix array, wherein empty cells use no memory. 
Therefor you can have larger spreadsheets than with Multiplan. The Super ROM 
version of Lucid is more up-to-date (sounds weird saying that in 2020) and acts 
as the underlying repository for the Super ROM’s Lucid Data database. The 
database is essentially avery useful  “front end” for a spreadsheet. Thus, for 
every spreadsheet you have a database and vice versa. Also, the various apps on 
the ROM can interact with one another. So, give the opportunity, I’d opt for a 
Super ROM.

Were there others with the same level of functionality?

Not that I’m aware of. Certainly nothing that grabbed by attention.
I was contracted at one time to write a 3D spreadsheet, a “Lucid Killer,” so to 
speak, as part of an never-released multi-function “Super ROM Killer” 
code-named Avant. I don’t know who was working on the other apps. Alas, the 
developer ran out of funding before I could finish. It was fast, and it was 
slick! Wicked fast scrolling, many levels of function keys, and, of course, 3D 
— sheets linking with other sheets, any cell could access any other.
Anyhow, I hope this helps
Best regards!


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