Hi Jim,
I am aware of both issues.
Problem #1 is the VT100 driver, and I have it fixed in REX#/REXCPM.
Problem #2 below is actually an issue with the MVT100 video adapter
firmware.  It also has a bug I need to fix.  HAven't gotten to that yet,,,

On Sat, Dec 19, 2020 at 1:56 AM Jim Anderson <jim.ander...@kpu.ca> wrote:

> > -----Original Message-----
> >
> > Sounds great Bob! I think where it would break is if you try to open a
> > basic program from MENU without going into BASIC first and
> > loading/running it.
> > If you want, give that a try.
> > Same is true for a .DO file.
> > Ex.
> > in Basic type SCREEN1.
> > then F8, back to MENU.
> > now move to select and run a .BA program directly.
> > I think that crashes.
> Hey, I've been using the VT100 driver too, and I have this problem as
> well.  Not having ever used a real DVI I wasn't sure if this was expected
> behaviour or not.  I did find it's not really 'crashed' as such, just the
> menu display is messed up.  I can cursor back up to BASIC and hit Enter,
> then F8 back to the menu and everything is fine again.  (Moving the
> selection bar back up to BASIC has to be done by memory based on the screen
> position of the file you were selecting, as the updating of the selection
> bar on the screen is wrong.)
> The only other bug I found (and didn't report yet, sorry) is that if I am
> in TEXT editing a file longer than screen length, it doesn't handle
> backwards scrolling correctly.  If I am at the end of the file and I cursor
> up to the top of the screen, when I go up further it only refreshes the top
> line on the screen with the line the cursor has moved to, and doesn't push
> down or redraw the rest of the text below.
> Very excited about having the VT100 functionality integrated with
> REXCPM/REX# in the future!
>         jim

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