I found a minor issue just now;
When switching from M100 to CP/M, it is possible that the M100 leaves the
SCREEN in the scroll lock state.

Here is a simple basic program that de-scroll locks the screen and starts
It assumes RXCMGR is installed.


10 screen0:cls:print"Enabling scroll..."
20 screen2:printchr$(27);"W";
30 screen0:print"starting CP/M....."
40 call32804,3

it is  a work around until i drop a new load with a fix.

On Fri, Jan 15, 2021 at 6:03 PM Stephen Adolph <twospru...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The next version of REXCPM is now available for download.
> http://bitchin100.com/wiki/index.php?title=REXCPM#Software
> Version 2 provides the integrated VT100 driver, and adds in the CNTL-A
> quickmenu shortcut to start RXCMGR.
> I have run through the upgrade process on my machines, from Version 1
> build 43 to Version 2 build 10.  Worked for me, and worked in VirtualT.
> Please read the instructions carefully, and download the software and
> utilities bundle.
> Delete your old utilities and use the new ones.
> To do a fresh install (as in you have never installed it before) then use
> To UPGRADE an existing V1 install, please use RXCUPG.DO.
> Let me know if there any problems, and of course bug reports are valuable.
> Also, I have updated the BCR hack page with information on how to apply
> the hack to T102.
> http://bitchin100.com/wiki/index.php?title=BCR_TTL_SERIAL_HACK#T102
> thanks
> Steve

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