Brad & all,If you are in the Los Angeles, Calif area I could loan you a dual 
chan O'scope (20 or 30 MHz)
I live in Torrance (SW of LA proper adjacent to Redondo & Hermosa Beach):

For you PC-8201a owners here is a short 1 line pgm to iterate to 17 significant 
digits of PI, in 25 mins 25sec for 4.9MHz clock.
Why use 22/7  or 355/113 =6sd,  355/113# <8sd
4 powerCONT: defDBLd,i: Time$="000000"::for J=2 to 46378 step4: i=J: d=d 
+4/(i*(i+1)*(i+2)) -4/((i+2)*(i+3)*i+4)): next:?Time$" 3"chr$(27)d;(i-2)/4;:beep
pi = 3  +4/(2*3*4)-4/(4*5*6)  +4/(6*7*8)-4/(8*9*10)....repeat sequence until 
reach limit of 8201a double precision math routines
=16 sig digits,  squeezed out 17th by cutting iteration just before it breaks 
down - result begins slow downward plunge (decreases)(46378-2)/4 = 11594 actual 
iterations    Assumes 1st digit of PI is 3
Result:  3.1415926535897932   (25 min, no spaces between pgm cmds)  {does 12 
sig digits in 3min}
Any motivated Math majors able to design an algorithm that expands beyond 17sd 
independent of double prec assy lang limit??  :-)
if there is interest, I could post more:
1..array of 17 for/next targets for each add'l digit displayed on separate 
lines in two columns taking up the whole display area.(displays time & 
expanding PI, current For/Next tgt)  adds 25 sec for extra displays (25:50)    
2. creative way to save same to a file, formatted as was displayed.  (ordered: 
1st - 8th,  2nd - 9th....) in lieu of print screen to file!!! TBD
Dale...  K3MNN /6  since 1967  retired TRW Space & Electronics 2006 Redondo 
Beach, Calif

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