Heh. Maybe...if I can find them. Moreover, I kind of suspect that they were 
simply coded directly in the device, which would mean that they are gone.

I used the Palm and ADIOS board for monitoring some stuff. My recollection is 
that there were only a few lines of Basic involved...opening a port, sending 
and receiving ASCII.

The best thing to do would be simply to download Hotpaw, and have at it. I do 
not recall it being a tedious or tricky thing. It struck me as very useful.

Oh, and I have NOT forgotten the brief exchanges with you and Mike re ADIOS, 
just haven't had a chance to prowl around in my 'file system' (AKA basement) 
and find the stuff.


    On Thursday, June 24, 2021, 7:13:16 AM EDT, Stephen Adolph 
<twospru...@gmail.com> wrote:  
 hi John, very interesting. I forgot about Hotpaw.Can you share your programs 
for using the serial port?thanks!Steve

On Thu, Jun 24, 2021 at 12:34 AM JOHN JR & VIRGINIA WHITTON 
<jwhit...@bellsouth.net> wrote:

A good while back, I developed several trivial applications for my Pal, using 
Hotpaw Basic. In each case, those involved RS-232 connections.

It's pretty straight-up Basic, as I recall. It's been years, but looks like 
it's available for download here:
Ron Nicholson's Ancient Palm OS Computing Information Page

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Ron Nicholson's Ancient Palm OS Computing Information Page





    On Wednesday, June 23, 2021, 6:36:40 PM EDT, Dan Higdon 
<therealh...@gmail.com> wrote:  
 Wow, that's pretty cool. I have an old Palm III that I keep wanting to find 
stuff to do with. I have the cradle (an RS232 cradle, thankfully) but no 
software. I put batteries into it and it does work.
>From the sounds of things, it looks like it won't be a straight-up "throw 
>ASCII at it" terminal, but it will be fun to explore the options I think.

On Wed, Jun 23, 2021 at 7:24 AM Stephen Adolph <twospru...@gmail.com> wrote:


stumbled across this interesting piece of Palm Pilot software.... it turns the 
PP into an RS232 driven LCD display.  This seems like it could be quite useful 
for the M100 - debug interface, auxiliary input/output etc.  


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