Well I can still get some things done.

Had picked up a TPDD2 as a spare/parts as was advertised on eBay. Wanted 
something just-in-case, but took a chance it only needed a belt and was worth 
the asking price of $100. Another "working" TPDD2 bidded out at $106 so 
figured, if it works I'm good. Just didn't want to stress over an auction.

First look when it arrived and sure enough, a broken belt. Ordered new belt and 
two cap kits for later. Thanks Greg, belt went in fine.  Formatted a disk, 
saved a Lucid spreadsheet to bank 0, and IPL.BA to bank 1. Spreadsheet (.CA) 
loaded back and into Lucid just fine.

Warning to anyone doing a belt replacement. Do not! I say again, do not replace 
the belt on a black work surface. One tiny bit of old belt gets on your bench 
and it will tag everything before you figure out what happened. Expecting Mr. 
Murphey to arrive, we had a large bottle of alcohol and paper towels ready.

God Bless,

GregS <><

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