I currently have two TRS-80 Model 100s.  One of them with an annoying screen 
defect and the other with a dead RS-232 port.   These were both eBay 

I also have a NEC that I've had since the early 80s.   It seems to be working 

One thing I found useful back in the 80s was to use my NEC to print labels on a 
dot matrix printer with a tractor feed.    I've never come up with a useful way 
to print labels with an inkjet since you are usually committed to printing an 
entire page of labels.      After making a couple more eBay acquisitions I 
obtained an Okidata Microline 320 and a cable to mate it to the NEC/TRS-80 
Model 100.

The NEC works just fine for this printer.    I even got some tractor feed paper 
from Amazon and printed out some ASCII art images.   Everything was cool.   I 
wrote a calendar program (calling it YACalP.ba - for Yet Another Calendar 
Program).   I will be putting this program on github after I document it a bit 

When I connect either TRS-80 Model 100, to the printer, it prints but does not 
do linefeeds.    The carriage return function works but no line feed.

I even tried doing a LPRINT CHR$(10) and no line feed.

Anyone have any idea why the TRS-80 won't do the line feeds?    Seems strange 
that they both are behaving the same way yet the NEC works fine.   There is a 
lot of further investigation I can do, but I'm hoping someone might have an 
easy answer.   


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