really irks me when people respond like that.... we're talking about
history that is literally disappearing before our eyes and some people who
claim to be fans or preservers or what have you - just cannot be bothered
and it is infuriating and really sad.

On Fri, Sep 10, 2021 at 7:17 PM Brian K. White <> wrote:

> Does anyone have a copy of Roger Merchberger's Tandy 600 files archive?
> There is a 600 directory in the M100SIG but it's missing the HHOS
> directory that apparently had these development tools:
> Thomas McLaren apparently has them but for some reason he's not sharing.
> His response to my email requesting them was only:
> "as of about two years ago, it was possible to piece it back together
> from Tandy 600 file archive sites"
> Without mentioning the names any such archives, and he never even
> responded to my follow up question.
> I have been unable to find these files anywhere. All I ever found was
> dead links and references like that post above, and very few of those.
> In I once found an old snapshot of a web page that had a
> link to an HHOS directory, but the directory itself was not captured,
> just the index page showing that it existed.
> The few links that are archived, point to ftp sites not web sites, and
> those are not archived anywhere.
> For instance:
> ..links to
> This is the closest I've ever been able to come:
> Neither the hhos directory nor the !T6Archive.tgz file are really there,
> nor "t600.uue" which could have been anything but at over 650k it could
> possibly be a uuencoded disk image or zip.
> Did anyone download a copy of that Tandy600 directory when it was up? Or
> knows the vip club members only super sekrit location where they are
> still up?
> --
> bkw

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