hey folks,
Hope everyone is having a nice spring (in the northern half of the world
I've been working my way through my stacks of modelTs and as I fix'em I
periodically need to get some parts.  Planning to sell some of them.  I
have so many of them.

I'm in need of a timer chip, the uPD1990AC, found in most ModelTs (except
T200 I think).

Before I look for a source, does anyone have a spare lying around?
Long shot I know.  But worth asking.

Speaking of long shot, I also needed a 40 Pin socket for the System Bus on
an M100.
I don't know why, but I guess I pulled one out of an M100 for some reason,
and now I want to repair it.
I figured - I would never find the original part.  So old!  But the
original would be great!

Well, I went into the office for the first time in 2 years yesterday.  They
are asking everyone to clear out their cubicles, and I work at a company
that happens to have a lot of old time hardware engineers.

There was a big bin for "scrap".  I could not resist, so I peered into the

Could not believe my eyes.  There, in the bin amongst a ton of standard
e-trash, was a single RW 40 pin DIL machine pin socket!

Can you bloody believe that.

I should buy a lottery ticket ;).

(but no timer chip!)


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