Not as far as I know. I think Robert Pigford's program is it. PowerBASIC is
a compiler though so I guess its binaries would run under a Linux DOS
emulator. I've certainly run DOS assemblers like TASM as part of a
GNU/Linux Makefile.

You would need a tokenizer for each BASIC variant you want to support
(M100/102, 8201A/8300, and maybe t200?)

The ROM of each machine is of course already capable of doing it properly
by definition via LOAD/CLOAD. So emulators effectively support tokenization
as well. VirtualT is fully scriptable over telnet/socket.

For myself I just use my laptop or emulator to created tokenized files.

One note... there are valid, specially constructed BA  files that do not
fully LIST, and are not convertible to ASCII BASIC text and back again,
with high numbered lines and/or machine language embedded in it. To create
such files goes beyond simple tokenization, but it may be useful and
interesting to create advanced special BA binary file generators. Most such
files require special measures to create.

-- John.

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