> No, but I have it in Microchip PIC18F assembly!!   Not sure that help you
though.  :)

I don't know much about PIC assembly unfortunately. :)

> Also, there is a C++ version in the VirtualT source code.

C++ is my primary language these days, so I'll check that out. I knew
VirtualT had a lot of stuff in it, but I didn't know about that.


On Mon, Aug 29, 2022 at 6:24 PM Ken Pettit <petti...@gmail.com> wrote:

> No, but I have it in Microchip PIC18F assembly!!   Not sure that help
> you though.  :)
> Also, there is a C++ version in the VirtualT source code.
> Ken
> On 8/29/22 4:03 PM, Dan Higdon wrote:
> > Does anyone have source to a LaddieAlpha type TPDD "server" program,
> > but written in Microsoft Basic?
> >
> > I have this idea to have a CP/M machine (in this case, a
> > recently built Altair clone) act as a file server for my ModelT. This
> > is obviously just a "for the fun of it" project with little practical
> > value, but I thought it would be worth asking here if anyone had
> > already done something like this.
> >
> > I suppose a relevant followup question would be, "what com settings
> > are necessary to support TPDD?" (baud rate, bits, etc.) I think that
> > my target machine can't do serial comms faster than 9600, so maybe
> > this project is impossible.
> >
> > (My *real* "for the fun of it" project would be doing an 8080 CP/M ASM
> > program that hosts a TPDD dialog, but I'm afraid that my level of
> > commitment to this project is not equal to the difficulty.)
> >
> > Thanks for indulging my questions,
> > /hdan

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