I was looking at some of the books people have listed here recently, and some 
of the type-in programs are interesting. 

If you remember the old days of typing in programs from the back of magazines, 
you remember that it could be very tedious, which is why there were lots of 
utilities to help with the chore.  Now that it’s 2022, we have alternatives.

Some of you will be adept enough to be able to use OCR software to convert the 
pages of the books into text that you can then send to your M100.  If you’re on 
a Mac, it’s become a little easier recently.

macOS Monterrey has built-in OCR for images.  For whatever reason, it doesn’t 
work on PDFs; I guess because Preview is looking for the text embedded within 
the PDF file (Some PDFs have selectable text, but not all).  But what you can 
do is take a screenshot (Shift-Command-3 for the whole screen, or 
Shift-Command-4 for a section) of a book’s page in your favorite PDF reader, 
like the built-in Preview.  Then drag the screenshot into the address bar of 
Safari.  Safari will display the image file, and you’ll be able to select the 
program listing text from the page, and then copy-and-paste it into whatever 
you want.

I won’t say the OCR is 100%, but it’s a good 99.5% in my experiments.  
Certainly much easier than typing in program listings like we used to.

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