So, hardwarewise I have my m100 talking to my Mac Pro. I can run dlplus, mcomm, etc on the Mac and then TEENY.CO on the m100. Now, I'd like to just open up a connection where I can send and receive ascii over the serial lines. There's a lot of discussion in the Manual about modem connections, but not much about serial (just the bit to use a null modem to serial cable). I'm not terribly familiar with serial connections beyond hooking up my raspi/beaglebone/pal-1 and interacting with them from the Mac. I just set reasonable defaults in minicom and it just works (8n1 etc)... I get remote sessions on the remote device that I control from the Mac terminal. I'm not looking for anything that fancy, but interaction would be nice.

My questions this go 'round are thus:

1. After hooking up the cables, what do I need to run on either end of the connection to get a dialog (screen, minicom, etc. on the mac side? what on the m100?). I'd be fine with a dialog along these lines:

Hello there

Hello there (from the Mac)
Hi back

Mac again:
Hi back (from the m100)

2. Is there a modern-day example I could follow that's not terribly convoluted? Stuff I've come across involve making changes to /dev/tty on the mac, a termcap for the m100, etc. While that's on the todo list, I was thinking more along the lines of:

on the mac:
screen /dev/cu.usbserial-FD310 1200,8n1

on the m100:
in telecom
doitat 1200,8n1

Hello there
Hi back

or something similar...



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