"John R. Hogerhuis" <jho...@pobox.com> wrote:
> ?MID$(H$,A/16+1,1);MID$(H$,AMOD16+1,1);" ";

It would be slightly faster with:
?MID$(H$,A\16+1,1);MID$(H$,(AAND15)+1,1);" ";

10000 iterations takes 5:43 vs 7:23 with your version (I tested on
VirtualT, so it may not be 100% accurate but that should be a good

The biggest difference is the integer division, which to be honest
surprised me, since the variables are already integers.
Perhaps they are cast into regular (float) values before the division
is attempted?

While we're into BASIC optimizations, another good trick is to declare
your variables (just assign anything into them at the beginning of
your program) in reverse order of use (i.e. the ones you access the
most often first).

When I wrote my version of Conways Game of Life, it saved me more than
10 seconds per generation.


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