Reset pin, even just a tap not a long press, clears ram and shows some version numbers.

And I just discovered that Ctrl + F2 + Del appears to do exactly the same! Not only clears the current document and shows the same reset screen with version numbers, it clears ram including your system settings like the power-off time and the type of batteries.

Neither one clears the ramdisk though, as in the optional extra 32k or 128k chip that may or may not be installed inside.


On 11/15/22 18:11, Bert Put wrote:
Hi John,

On 11/15/22 15:57, John R. Hogerhuis wrote:

On Tue, Nov 15, 2022 at 12:19 PM Bert Put < <>> wrote:

    When converting from ASCII to WP-2, I will have to figure out which
    space character is closest to end of line and replace it with 0x08.

Hmm. What happens if you don't? That is, what happens if you load a file that just leaves them as spaces?

If you don't insert the 0x08 characters, then the words will simply run to the end of the line (at 65 characters) and continue on the next line, even if the word splits right in the middle.  Like this:

     fake text that has some lon
     g words to show what happen
     s when you don't insert the
     0x08 characters the way I d
     escribed it earlier :-)

That's an extreme example with very short lines, but hopefully you get the idea.  Replacing spaces with 0x08 at the appropriate places will cause the words to remain whole and "soft" carriage returns will occur in place of space where needed.

     fake text that has some
     long words to show what
     happens when you don't
     insert the 0x08 characters
     the way I described it
     earlier :-)

I'll keep fiddling with the machine to see if I can make it tell me the firmware version that it's running.

Regards,    Bert


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