I just replaced a couple of capacitors on my ModelT that were causing the 
contrast to fluctuate and decided to put it to a test by throwing together a 
seasonal (at least around where I live) little BASIC program. It simulates a 
gentle snowfall and helped me exercise the display for a while. Enjoy!
10 CLS20 S%=1630 DIM SX%(S%)40 DIM SY%(S%)50 FOR I%=1 TO S%60 
SX%(I%)=INT(RND(1)*40)+170 SY%(I%)=080 PRINT@ SX%(I%)+SY%(I%)*40,"*"90 NEXT 
I%100 FOR I%=1 TO S%110 PRINT@ SX%(I%)+SY%(I%)*40," ";120 
SX%(I%)=SX%(I%)+INT(RND(1)*3-1)130 SY%(I%)=SY%(I%)+INT(RND(1)*2)140 IF 
SY%(I%)>7 THEN SY%(I%)=0150 IF SX%(I%)<0 THEN SX%(I%)=0160 IF SX%(I%)>39 THEN 
SX%(I%)=39170 IF SX%(I%)=39 AND SY%(I%)=7 THEN SX%(I%)=38180 PRINT@ 
SX%(I%)+SY%(I%)*40,"*";190 NEXT I%200 KY$=INKEY$210 IF KY$="" THEN GOTO 100
-Dan W.

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