If that looks like the same Phone connection that is on the back of the


This was to plug into the cable when you took the M100 away. The Phone
line passed thru the M100 on its way to the phone itself. When you took
the M100 away (Serious Couch computing?) the phone would be
disconnected. This gadget re-connects the phone in the absence of the

On Wed, 2022-11-23 at 12:31 -0600, Wayne Lorentz wrote:
> I've been dragging this plug around with me in my Model 100 bag for
> years and years and years, but I've never known what it's for.
> Today I tried to look it up in old Radio Shack catalogs, but found
> nothing.
> I'm sure someone on this list must know what it is for: 
> preview.jpega
> JPEG Image · 152 KB

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