Oh and I just realized, you would have to load a BMP file as a .CO since it is raw binary data, and BASIC would have to access by manually finding it's address in the MENU directory, then use PEEKs to read the data since it is binary.


On 12/15/22 11:39 AM, Peter Vollan wrote:
so what is the .BA file?

On Thu, 15 Dec 2022 at 11:19, Ken Pettit <petti...@gmail.com <mailto:petti...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Feasible?  Yes.  Slow?  ABSOLUTELY!

    This is the reason I created AsciiPixels.  It provides two main
    features critical to the M100:

       1.  It is machine language graphics routines, so it is
    blazingly fast relative to BASIC.
       2.  It provides a level of image compression similar to Linux
    'xz' compression in most cases:

                Full screen image (i.e. image size is 240 x 64 pixels):

             dragon.do      825 bytes     This is the APRAW encoding
             dragon.ap      640 bytes     AsciiPixels encoding
             dragon.pbm.xz  628 bytes     Linux xz compression
             dragon.bmp    2178 bytes
             dragon.pbm    1969 bytesOriginal non-compressed 1-BPP bitmap:
                                            240x64 pixels / 8
    pixels/byte = 1920 + header


    On 12/15/22 9:20 AM, Cedric Amand wrote:
    I remember from my "demoscene era times" that bmp decoding is
    actually quite simple.
    It might be feasible to decode a BMP in plain basic on a
    T100/T200 imho.
    Le 2022-12-15 10:12, VANDEN BOSSCHE JAN
    <mailto:jan.vandenboss...@vivaqua.be> a écrit :

        It might be difficult to code, but would a conversion to BMP
        not be possible? Considering the never-changing nature of the
        Model T's screen (240x64, monochrome) it shouldn't take too
        much place. Even if .BMP is a wastefull standard, it would
        give an easy way to interchange screendumps and logos to and
        from the Model T.

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