Hi Georg,

From the VirtualT Disassembler of T200:

; ======================================================
; LCD char generator shape table (20H-7FH)
; ======================================================
9063H  DB   00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H

So the starting address would be 36963. But since John declared all variables as INT in line 5 for improved execution speed, the number must be represented as negative by subtracting 65536, so the address would be -28573.

HOWEVER!!!! The T200 LCD works differently than the M100 display. For the M100, each byte in the raster character data ROM table represents a COLUMN of 8 LCD pixels. But for T200, the LCD bytes represent ROWS, not columns, where the least significant bit of each byte is the left-most pixel of a 6-pixel wide character, and there are 8 bytes for ALL characters.

So the program would need some updates to work with T200. I have made those updates and also added code to display 10 characters at a time on the larger T200 display:

5 DEFINTA-Z:C$(0)=CHR$(255):C$(1)=CHR$(239)
10 B=-28573:D=32:W=5:H=0:O=0
15 CLS
25 P=(J-1)*40+O+H:PRINT@P,CHR$(47+J);
30 C=PEEK(B)
35 B=B+1
50 L=CAND1:C=C\2
60 PRINT@P+I,C$(L);
70 NEXTI,J:O=O+8:D=D+1:IFD=128THENW=6
80 IFX=5THENH=40*8:O=0
85 NEXTX:H=0:O=0
90 I$=INKEY$:IFI$=""THEN90


On 1/4/23 4:59 AM, Georg Käter wrote:
Hello together,

how to modify the program to run it on T200 using the bigger display?

Address of raster data?


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