Hello all you T200 REX# owners!

Attached is a couple of RAM images that contain the ROMULUS Chess program!
They are compatible with REX# running Release 2.1.  I don't know if they
will also work with REX.  Perhaps someone can give it a try!

Instructions on how to load the RAM images and run the game are included in
the attachment.

Does NOT work in VirtualT.

Let me know if you find any problems.

If anyone is interested, it is would be possible to make a binary RAM image
that could be loaded with some new utility.
I can supply clean raw images, if someone wants to write a loader that
could read the binary data into the T200 over serial.

A loader in the style of Wilson Van Alst would be good.  Read from TPDD
directly into RAM, and restart.


<<attachment: ROMULUS_CHESS.zip>>

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