On Mon, Feb 6, 2023 at 2:16 PM grima...@gmail.com <grima...@gmail.com>

> 1. I am still alive and well, not that anyone seemed overly concerned
> there :D


> Updates coming soon.
>    - I started managing the codebase through a Private git repository. I
>    will opt to just make this Public for posterity's sake when I release the
>    next updated version.
> That's awesome. I found your repository at

>    - I have removed the AsciiPixels integration. While it was nifty, I
>    think it went against the spirit of the game, which was intended to be an
>    entirely text-based Minesweeper clone.
> I love text as the base setting and can understand why you'd want to stay
true to the pure text spirit. Would you object if someone made a mod that
allowed for both text and graphics? Would it help if it was named something
else to avoid confusion with TSWEEP?

>    - This has a theoretically infinite upper bound, as RND could generate
>    invalid spaces forever. This is noticeably slow when running denser
>    minefields
> Yup! Mine generation was the biggest problem with the 2.0 version of

>    - I replaced it with an algorithm that will always select a space that
>    is valid.
>    - Accomplished by generating the array of all spaces upfront.(done in
>       ML for performance reasons) And then removing the 4-9 invalid spaces 
> around
>       X,Y
> Is there a version of the more efficient algorithm done in BASIC? I don't
have a Model 100. My Tandy 200 ran TSWEEP 2.0 just fine, but 2.3 repeatedly
draws the black background one row at a time, clears the screen, and starts
again. I'm guessing the machine language isn't portable.

>    - Other features I want to add:
>    - Selecting a space where the Number in the cell == Flags in
>       surrounding cells will open all adjacent cells. This is a common 
> feature in
>       other versions.
> Yes! That will improve playability quite a bit for me.

>    - Additional controls for L/R/U/D. I developed this mostly using
>    VirtualT to test. The arrow keys kind of stink as the interface on an
>    actual M100.
The traditional M100 TEXT editor keys are:

Left ^S  ^D Right

That gives you a nice diamond on the keyboard, but you have to hold down
the CTRL key.  If you don't require CTRL, then it'd conflict with the PC's
"WASD" key layout.

Do you know the keys from the "vi" text editor? While not laid out in a
physically intuitive way, personally I'd be happier with those keys plus
the nethack extensions for diagonal movement:

y k u
h   l
b j n

(For even more happiness, SHIFTed or CTRL versions of the keys might move
the cursor by a larger amount.)

Please let me know your feedback on any of the above, and if you have any
> suggestions. Please bear with me, I just taught myself assembly over the
> weekend so it's been a bit of a trial by fire. :D

Looks like you did a good job, George!


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