Yep, it is a 36-pin centronics connector:


On 2/19/23 3:41 PM, Wayne Lorentz wrote:
I was in the book store yesterday and picked up one of those little 
battery-powered lights that clip onto a book.  Not the ones with the giant, 
scary clamps, but one with a smaller, dainty clip.

I thought I might have it do double-duty illuminating an M100 screen from 
above, but there doesn't appear to be anything suitable on an M100 to clip it 
onto.  Then I thought, maybe I can plug something inert into the printer port, 
like a very short, unpopulated circuit board. (The serial port is occupied 

Can anyone tell me what the connector for the printer port is called?  I assume 
that once identified, I can buy it online, since I'm a long way from the 
(last?) Radio Shack in Wisconsin Dells.

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