Hey Steve,

I don't know if you are still trying to get SuperROM ported to PC-8201 or not, but I have merged in all of my M100 disassembly comments into the PC-8201 disassembly and was able to find *most* of the calls you identified below.

Note however the following:

1.  The encoding for floating point numbers in PC-8201 is TOTALLY different than M100.
2.  Most of the routines in PC-8201 are using SGL precision vs. DBL in M100
3.  Three of the routines aren't available and would have to be dealt with in some other way.


On 2/18/23 12:07 PM, Stephen Adolph wrote:
If there is anyone motivated to help, It would be helpful to figure out the equivalent calls PC-8201 calls for this list of M100 main ROM calls.

0x30C2  -> NON EXISTENT ( Load FAC1 with zero).  Could use:  LXI B, 0000H  CALL 0x3DF7
0x31B5  -> 0x321E ( Copy FAC1 to FAC2 )
0x31B8  -> 0x3218 ( Copy floating point at M to FAC1 ) NOTE: DBL in M100, type of last var in PC-8201
0x31BB  -> NON EXISTENT ( Move floating point at M to (DE) )
0x31C1  -> 0x3215  ( Copy FAC2 to FAC1 )
0x31C4  -> 0x31D0  ( Move floating point at M to FAC1) NOTE: DBL in M100, SGL in PC-8201
0x31CA  -> 0x31EA  ( Move FAC1 to M)   NOTE: DBL in M100, SGL in PC-8201
0x31CD  -> 0x31ED  ( Move floating point at (DE) to M ) NOTE:  DBL in M100, SGL in PC-8201
0x3469  -> 0x31F7   ( Move B bytes from (DE) to M with increment )
0x3472  -> NON EXISTENT  ( Move B bytes from (DE) to M with decrement )
0x34D2  -> 0x326F   ( Double precision compare FAC1 with FAC2 )
0x3501  -> 0x329E   ( CINT function )
0x3510  -> 0x32BA   ( Load signed integer in HL to FAC1 )
0x3513  -> 0x32BD   ( Set type of last variable to INT )
0x35BA  -> 0x32FC   ( CDBL function )
0x35CF  -> 0x330D   ( Set type of last variable to DBL )

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