On Fri, Feb 24, 2023 at 12:10 PM Kenneth Pettit <petti...@gmail.com> wrote:

Or you can look at the active ROWs, COLs addresses
> M100:
>    ROWS: F63Bh   will be 8 or 25
>    COLS: F63Ch   will be 40 or 80
> T200:
>    ROWS: EF08H   will be 16 or 25
>    COLS: EF09H   will be 40 or 80
Ken, that is pretty nifty! Do you know if any other values are ever
assigned to ROWS or COLS? For example, did the “VIEW 80” Option ROM (which
showed 60 columns on a Model 100) change COLS to 60?

Also, I’m curious whether that BASIC routine I shared earlier for detecting
the screen size (?CHR$(27)"Y~~"; : RO=CSRLIN+1: CO=POS(0)+1) would have any
benefit compared to just reading the values directly. Perhaps it might be
more portable, but I seem to recall the PC-8201A may have had a different
name for CSRLIN.


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