On Mon, Apr 10, 2023 at 11:29 AM Peter Vollan <dprogra...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I still don't understand.
BASIC control flow is accomplished by GOTO, GOSUB, RETURN (as well as

In particular, in BASIC you have lots of GOTOs and GOSUBs and RETURNs
to program lines.

So any given BASIC statement within a program line can branch
(GOTO/GOSUB/RETURN) to any other program line.

And a given program line can be the target of a branch (GOTO/GOSUB/RETURN).

For the author or maintainer of a BASIC program this can create a spaghetti
mess of program flow that is hard to keep track of.

A cross reference utility like Lloyd wrote helps you understand the
structure of a BASIC program by parsing it and listing out what lines jump
to other lines, and for given lines, what other lines jump to them.

-- John.

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