First off, I just fixed my list preferences so that I'll be able to reply correctly next time but these probably won't show up on the correct thread. Forgive my millenial inexperience with mailing lists.
Daryn, thank you! I did run across the DLPilot page, and I actually read yours as well the other night - was that your Tungsten W in the picture? Love the keyboards on those, I used a C for a long time. I'm hoping to hook mine to a Palm M100 personally, partly because I think it would be funny, but because I've got stacks of them lying around and they're kind of awful for actual use. On that note, if anyone else would like a Palm at some point to use as storage, let me know. A few years ago I bought a hundred or more from eBay lots hoping to clean them up and get them into the hands of someone who would use them, but really all they're doing is taking up space the geckos in my garage would rather have for their parties. Anyway, appreciate the reply and I'm excited to learn more about this thing, I can see this quickly becoming my next obsession. Nothing quite like an old portable with good community backing, and I'm impressed with how much is still out there for an oddball computer like this.