On a desk, with legs made from dried-out pens purposely about 1/2"
longer than the standard ones.

Lighting's important; just the right angle and brightness setting for
maximum contrast without reflections.


On Sun, Dec 10, 2023 at 7:48 PM runrin <run....@rin.run> wrote:
> Hey all!
> I was wondering if people would be willing to share how they typically
> use their Model Ts.
> I've found that it's pretty difficult for me to find a comfortable
> position to use my Model 100 for any length of time. I'm always bending
> forward to get a better view when I sit at a table or desk, and when
> it's on my lap the lack of palmrest causes the keyboard to slide too
> close to my body making it hard to type.
> Do you typically only use them on desks? Do you use yours on your lap?
> Do you use a lap desk? Any tips for how you comfortably use a Model T
> for longer stretches (30+ minutes) would be appreciated.
> Thanks!

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