
On Sat, Dec 16, 2023 at 5:33 PM Brian K. White <> wrote:

> down to 6 lines
> inserted spaces for easier manual read & type
> got rid of I variable name to avoid looking like 1
> 1 CLEAR 0,61000 :OUT 129,2 :FOR N=0 TO 9 :B=INP(131) :NEXT
> 2 GOSUB 6 :S=N :GOSUB 6 :L=N :E=S+L :GOSUB 6 :X=N
> 3 N=S+1007 :FOR A=S TO E :B=INP(131) :POKE A,B
> 4 IF A=N THEN OUT 129,1
> 5 ?"."; :NEXT :?"type CLEAR 0,"S":NEW" :SAVEM "RAMDSK",S,E,X
> 6 N=INP(131) :N=N+INP(131)*256 :RETURN
> And line 5 can actually be reduced to just:
> --
> bkw
> On 12/16/23 12:57, Brian K. White wrote:
> I now have a working manual BASIC bootstrap that can load RAMDSK.CO from
> the device after a cold restart.
> It is only 8 lines like the old docs say BOOT.BA was
> Well, it's 7 lines not counting a comment and a message, or 9 lines
> counting both.
> But they are not very neat or convenient. It's still kind of a lot to
> manually type in for a bootstrap, but if you had a print out you could type
> it in a couple minutes and then you have RAMDSK back a few seconds after
> that.
> This is not exactly a convenient way to install, but it should exist as an
> option just on principle.
> You're on the road, suffer a cold reset, everything's safely backed up on
> the RAMPAC, but you need to get RAMDSK installed somehow.
> I was dreaming it might be possible to write something short enough to
> print right on the card in the silkscreen. hahaha no. :)
> Maybe it can be improved over time.
> I also wrote a simple inspector that can read raw data from anywhere on
> the devivce, in either bank, and display in either ascii or hex, and the
> ascii also shows all the non-printing control characters as their CTRL-x
> character in inverse video so the display doesn't get messed up and no
> bytes are hidden either. So 0x00 shows as inverse "@" for instance.
> The main point of it is to be small and scrutable, uses no machine code,
> supports banks.
> --
> bkw

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