I just saw this while cleaning out my mailbox, so time for some thread 

The CW Industries GPBS-850N should match the footprint; it’s incredibly 
unlikely that anything will match the stem, so you’ll need to 3D print a 
replacement key. I’ve got this one on my list of things to do, and hopefully 
sometime this year I’ll get around to placing a DigiKey order.

> On Nov 9, 2023, at 14:27, Fisher <nolan...@fisher25.ca> wrote:
> I wonder if that six-pin power switch on the Model 200 can be had?
> I have the keycap itself, and the soldered-on base. But everything in between 
> is just... crumbs.
> The machine was once owned by the Detroit Free Press and it shows. The screen 
> looks to have been exposed to fire, the stained and sticky case is taped 
> together because it doesn’t have any screws, the keyboard needs at least a 
> dozen bodges, and I’m hesitant to remove the other keycaps because there may 
> be something alive under there. (The logic board, oddly, looks pretty good.) 
> In sum, it has character.
> Anyways, it’s a funny little switch,
> and I’d like to see more of it :-)
> <IMG_2248.JPG>

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