Awhile back I'd taken on the task of recapping my two M100s. On one it worked great; on the other, it was "dead" afterwards.

I suspected either a cap I didn't get properly soldered, or just flux I didn't clean off the board sufficiently.

So today I opened it up again to take the motherboard out and see if I could get it working.

I needed to disconnect a two-wire connector that sits just above the "CN8" silkscreening, and connects to the LCD circuit board...

While trying to pull it out, my needlenose pliers slipped, and I accidentally cut the red wire right at where it goes into the two-wire connector. It's cut flush with the connector.

I don't even know what this kind of connector is called.

Can anyone tell me what it's called and where I might be able to order a new one?

If nothing else, can someone suggest how I can pull the bit of wire out of the connector?

If push comes to shove I can just solder the remaining wire to the pin w/o the connector. But I *really* don't want to do that.

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