Vincent Massol wrote:

>Actually it doesn't... :-)
>It looks for a directory of that name... I would have preferred an algorithm
>where it would scan all subdirectories, gather all pom.xml and match them on
I considered that, but the filenames felt more intuitive. Let's discuss
it - we can still change it later. It would also allow auto-checkout of
missing modules :)

>However I'm sure I would like to name my directories with the same name as
>my artifactId. The reason is simple: artifactId has a flat structure whereas
>a directory is a tree structure so you don't need to specify every time the
>name of your parent to know where you are.
You mean "not sure"?

>Thus I'd prefer to keep having:
>with artifactIds of: cargo, cargo-core and cargo-core-util
>Will that continue to be possible in the future?
It's definitely possible. Maven will probably assume some things about
your directory structure to be able to do things without configuration
(like extending SCM URLs), but we could probably have the option to drim
the last element of the groupId from the start of the artifact Id?

As for your other point about having to specify versions for the
parent... yes, we've thought about it. We will later allow omission of
the <version/> which will assume a snapshot, which means it is first
pulled from the universal source directory (in most cases this will be
../pom.xml), or if not there it will be the latest version in the
repository. On release, the version will be filled in with the correct

- Brett

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