A Lotus In A Swamp
by William (Red) Graham, Gowanda Correctional Facility, New York, The Buddhist

William (Red) Graham was denied access to a book "Prison Chaplaincy Guidelines 
for Zen Buddhism" written by Ven. Kobutsu Malone. The Buddhist Channel and 
other organizations helped in some ways to convince the authorities from the 
Gowanda CF, New York to rescind what was ultimately a misguided decision. On 
June 19, 2006, "Red" received a copy of the book. This is his story, in his own 

Dear Buddhist Channel,

I write to express my thanks and appreciation to Buddhist's all over the world 
that supported, sat with, voiced their concern, and were instrumental in my 
receiving the book "Prison Chaplaincy Guidelines," by the venerable Kobutsu 
Malone. I received it on June 19, 2006. 

Because I receive hardly any mail, especially of the feminine variety, I 
particularly thank those that wrote me personally. Like the Rev. Kobutsu 
Malone, David Seth Michael's Esq., Markus Roznowski and the Edinburgh Buddhist 
Centre, the Western Buddhist Order (Edinburgh), Community of Interbeing 
(Edinburgh), Theravada, Forest Sangha (Edinburgh), and Soto Zen Group, all of 
Edinburgh Scotland, U.K. And last but not least, I thank Kooi Fong Lim for his 
penetrating interviews and illuminating editorials.

Before the "Buddhist Peace Fellowship, " and the "Buddhist Channel in 
Malaysia," and Buddhist's throughout the world intervened, the book, Prison 
Chaplaincy Guidelines had been banned and denied to me by the "Gowanda 
Correctional Facility, Media Review Committee."  It was an arbitrary decision, 
unsupported by their own directives, policies and procedures. You cannot 
possibly imagine how frustrating, annoying and aggravating it is to be denied 
something that you are supposed to be able to have.

This was as ridiculous as the time, I was written a "Misbehavior-Report," where 
my sewing needles and sewing kit were characterized as "flammable liquids." I 
currently have this in court in an "Article 78 Proceeding, II of the Civil 
Practice Law and Rules. It was one of the factors that the "Parole Board," 
recently used in denying me parole! How true the adage, "power corrupts, and 
absolute power corrupts absolutely."

I am particularly sensitive to injustice owing my innocence concerning my 
incarceration. I have been confined for over two decades. I was given 25-50 
years for a crime that I did not do and am innocent of!  Read the two newspaper 
articles of April 1st and 2nd of 2003. You be the judge and jury after reading 
the court records for yourself!

My confinement is de facto! I have done everything in my power to prove this 
and improve myself. In 1984, when I came to prison, I decided to throwaway my 
crutches. I decided to improve and educate myself. I quit smoking two packs of 
cigarettes a day, as well as drinking alcohol, using drugs, eating flesh and 
their by products, and I have recently given up all junk foods. 

Although not as readily available as on the streets, drugs and alcohol are 
available in prison. The quality in here often exceeds that which is available 
on the street. This is attributable to some of the individuals that are 
confined and locked up for drugs, and some guards in need of making a quick 

In 1994, I was transferred to Sing Sing, one of the most infamous and notorious 
prisons in New York State.  Because of my temperament, personality and the way 
that I carry myself, I would never have believed that I could have endured and 
survived the prison experience as long as I have. Within myself, I purposed to 
run into life, instead of away from it. Previously through drugs, women, and 
alcohol, I had run away from facing life.

In prison out of necessity, you pay close attention to things and the people 
around you. "Yogen," is who attracted me to investigating Zen Buddhism. I 
didn't know who he was or what he was into. Out of curiosity, I approached him 
one day. I commented that he had a certain glow and peacefulness about himself, 
that most prisoner's lacked. He told me that he was a Buddhist. He gave me a 
book by Herman Hesse, "Siddhartha." He also invited me to the "Dharma Song 
Zendo," in the basement of the Sing Sing Prison auditorium.

The zendo was located in what was known as the multipurpose room. On Sunday 
mornings, the Quakers would use it for their meetings. The Pre-release Center 
would use it in the daytime throughout the week for their classes. The 
Buddhists would use it in the evenings three times a week.  They had their own 
storage cabinets to house everything incidental to the practice. I always 
believed that it was well stocked and supplied for something in a prison 

Kobutsu Malone was our monk. When I met him, to me he did not fit the 
stereotype of what I thought a monk should be like. He fit none of my 
preconceived notions of what a Buddhist Monk should be like. I was always 
impressed by the confidence and fearlessness that he displayed. Here is this 
white guy, with a bald head, wearing what appeared to be a long black dress 
that was a robe. He also wore what appeared to me as some kind of bib around 
his neck.

I later came to admire him for his stance against the death penalty. He engaged 
in protests and demonstrations opposing it. He traveled to different states and 
spent time with two men and gave them "Jukai," before "Frankie Jusan Parker," 
and Brother, "Amos Lee King," they were executed by the State! He was with them 
when they walked that last mile.

I liked the serene, contemplative atmosphere of our basement zendo at Sing 
Sing. To me, it was a lotus in a swamp. I walked through all of the garbage and 
chaos of my life and the prison and came to a place of peace and serenity. 

Leaving the stadium sized prison corridor coming from "A" block, past 
commissary, Seven, Five-Building, and "B" Block. I took a sharp right another 
fifty feet and ascended the eight concrete steps leading to the locked barred 
auditorium gate. A guard got up from his desk, opened it and allowed me 
entrance. I told him that I was there to set up for Zazen meditation. I asked 
if the door was unlocked leading down to the basement and if the cabinets were 

I stepped off to my left and opened the double doors leading into the 
auditorium. I walked past the chairs with their blue plastic backs and seats 
whose iron legs were bolted to the floor. I walked straight ahead until I 
reached the wall of the auditorium and took a right, straight ahead fifty feet 
to the door leading down to the basement.

I descended the three flights of metal steps with their black metal banisters. 
At the bottom of the landing and to the right was a door with a barred gate 
behind it that was always locked. The door was usually open. I would stand in 
that open barred doorway, until Kobutsu or everyone else arrived to set up and 
do our sitting practice.

What the door opened out to was so beautiful. There were trees, beautiful green 
grass or snow in season.  Wildlife would pass by, like cats, geese, ducks and 
birds. Sometimes I would bring food to throw to them. From the door, you could 
look down the hill and see the Hudson River. At different times of the day and 
evening, the scenery was so ethereal.

What I liked most about our basement zendo, was the atmosphere its semi 
-darkness, temple incense and candles. The intense chanting always caused me to 
sweat profusely. Practicing the various chants over a period of years, 
contributed a power and resonance to my voice that it previously lacked. I 
liked the practice because it taught me to pay attention to counting my breaths 
and paying attention to my breathing. But, what I think I liked most about it 
was, it taught me how to focus with concentration on whatever I placed my 
attention on.

Furthermore, for those desperate enough to subject themselves to the rigors of 
Zen discipline, great peace and equanimity awaits them in their lives. I say 
this not only from what it helped me to weather the seven years that I was at 
Sing Sing, but, from a recent situation.  

As you can imagine, there are some real characters in prison. To refrain from 
doing what I had purposed, I sat in a full lotus for two hours counting 
breaths. Needless to say, the pain for the first hour was excruciating. During 
the second, it disappeared completely. After I had finished, my thoughts had 
changed considerably. I just wish that more people in here and out in the 
streets would pick up and embrace the practice.

I laugh on account of all of these bullshit rehabilitation programs that they 
have in these facilities.  Unless the individuals taking them want to change, 
no change is going to occur in their lives. Where there is no introspection, 
repentance, remorse, desperation and willingness to face life without crutches 
and dependencies, there will be no worth while change in anyone's life. 

It is my belief from my own personal experience that all prisons and inner  
city communities would benefit, were zazen, along with yoga and a strict vegan 
diet were incorporated as a therapeutic program. Perhaps it could even be an 
alternative to incarceration for wayward minors, addicts and alcoholics who are 
just tired of being tired! I believe that we become stronger, when we 
voluntarily subject ourselves to pain. 

Paradoxically, this allows us to face and deal with pain in a more 
philosophical way, when we encounter it. 

Those one, two and three day "Sesshin's," we used to have at Sing Sing, helped 
to prepare me for a lot of things. I still look forward upon my release to find 
out, test and push myself to the limit by participating in a seven day sitting. 
After I accomplish that, I know I will be ready to do a seven day one, where I 
will sleep in the sitting position. This will definitely increase my mental 
poise and spiritual feelings of invincibility.

I learned enough through my own study of law to get back into the courts to 
show that there is something terribly wrong with my criminal conviction. 
However, because I am not a lawyer, I feel that my efforts were undermined by 
an attorney that the court appointed me. There are certain things that were 
never done, that can be done to prove my innocence! However, my stationary 
position, and immobility prevents this.

Again I express my most sincerest thanks and deepest appreciation to all those 
responsible for my receiving "Prison Chaplaincy Guidelines for Zen Buddhism."

I remain,

William (Red) Graham, 84-A-6009
Gowanda Correctional Facility
P .0. Box 311
Gowanda, NY 14070
July 1, 2006

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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