Ada sebuah bacaan dari sahabat di dalam sana yang mungkin menarik, dalam bahasa 
inggris, jadi... semoga berkenan, kalau bisa dinikmati
  Yesterday was a rainy evening, the rain fell very hard and as if the sky was 
pouring all of its tears in one shot. The water dropped sound creates a heavy 
stroke on the canopy beside the waiting veranda near the side entrance. These 
moment reminded me on my childhood time, a moment very like yesterday, the day 
when the sky is also pouring all of its tears on earth.
  I always enjoy a heavy rain like that coz It was cold and not many sound can 
conquer the rain, water dropped sound on the surface of the roof, on the canopy 
or any other surfaces open wide for the rain. The cold and the sound is always 
creating reezing feelings inside and it always be a good time if one is in a 
mellow or sorrow feelings.
  In that childhood of mine, my sorrow is not about that I did not get a toy or 
lost a game with friends, but more of sad to see how cruel human can be to 
others and how though life can be to human and about twenty year after that 
day, the same feelings came to me again and still it is in the rainy day, hard 
rain to be more precise.
  If we metaphor or personify the earth as a mother earth and the rain as her 
cry on humanity than it will be easier for us to imagine how life is really 
worth for crying, asking for compassion and love for all human kind or living 
creature on earth, and it will than be asking for your all commitments to 
contribure on a better life on earthÂ….hopefully.

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