Hello James,

My first thought is that perhaps your neighbor could provide us with a list of 
the current magnification utilities and features they are using or that they 
desire to use, and then those of us who have used Zoom could compare and 
contrast the features. Do you think that'd be possible?

Generally speaking, Zoom has settings that allow for limited customization such 
as max and min zoom levels, zoom increments, behavior of the zoomed screen 
while navigating, etc. There's also an option to magnify just a selected area 
of the screen and there's a way to magnify whatever is under the mouse cursor, 
but I've not tried those features.

 Whenever I use zoom I always combine it with the option to reverse the screen 
colors, aka "White on Black." While I've never used a third party magnifying or 
color-toggling utility on any other OS, I've heard from some folks that Apple's 
implementation of this color reversing feature is less than optimal because it 
reverses everything on the screen including graphic images, which apparently is 
not the case with some utilities available on other platforms. Regardless, as 
with VO these features are free in the MacOS and can quickly be toggled on and 

With regard to which applications will work with Zoom, in my experience Zoom 
magnifies the entire screen regardless of which Applications are running. I had 
a trial of MS Office 2011 running on SL for a few weeks while testing it for VO 
access, and I didn't have any problems using Zoom to magnify the various MS 
Office applications. I can't imagine that it would not work the same way under 

I imagine you've already shared the information provided by Apple but if not, 
here's a link to Apple's US page giving an overview of the features designed to 
assist with seeing in Lion.


On Sep 5, 2011, at 11:59 AM, James AUSTIN wrote:
> I am preparing a quotation for my neighbour who is considering buying a Mac 
> with related accessories. His situation is rather specialised, but I am 
> curious to know if Zoom works with applications such as Microsoft Office 
> please? he does have a Visual Impairment, but may be able to use the 
> magnification with certain products. 

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