Hi All,

Since a friend just forwarded to me an email that his wife sent to their son, 
telling him to watch the talk he gave at the 2005 Stanford University 
Commencement on how to live before you die, and referencing the TED web page 
(where this appears as a flash video), I thought some of you might want to 
listen to this yourselves.  These are available as both audio and video 
podcasts in iTunes U, and I listened to this talk when I downloaded it a few 
years ago. 

I'll give you the episode links below, but they may wrap, and focus may not go 
directly to the old episodes in question.  So the easier way to find these from 
iTunes is to use VO-M or Control-F2 to navigate to the menu bar, then press "s 
t" to move to the "Store"  menu, then arrow down and press "s" to move to the 
"Search…" option and press return.  You'll be switched to the iTunes Store 
Power Search page. Bring up item chooser menu (with VO-I) and press "p o w" to 
find the Power Search link and press return to navigate there.  Then VO-Right 
arrow (or use the Right arrow of QuickNav, or flick right if you are using 
Trackpad Commander) to the "All Results" pop-up button, press it (with VO-Space 
or by simultaneously pressing the up and down arrow keys if you use QuickNav, 
or by double tapping if you use Trackpad Commander), and set the pop up to 
"iTunes U" by pressing "i" followed by "Return".  Navigate (VO-Right arrow, or 
right arrow in QuickNav mode, or flick right in TrackPad Commander) to the 
title text field, VO-Space in the field to activate it for editing, or press 
the up and down arrow keys in QuickNav, or double tap in TrackPad Commander. 
Then type in "Commencement".  Then navigate past the description text field to 
the institution text field, activate that field for editing, and type in 
"Stanford" and press "Return" to run the search.  Navigate to the table.  The 
first row entry will be the video podcast version of Steve Jobs' 2005 
Commencement speech, and the second row entry will be the audio podcast 
version.  Navigate to the "Free Episode" button for the podcast and VO-Space to 
download the podcast.  If you only want to play it from iTunes, just VO-Space 
on the first button of the entry row you want.  

The downloaded podcast will be in the "iTunes U" section of your library, so 
you have to select it in the sources table, by interacting with the table, then 
navigating (e.g. with VO-Down arrow or by typing the first few letters of 
"iTunes U") to "iTunes U".  Highlight "iTunes U" by clicking with 
VO-Shift-Space. (If you don't have your Mouse Cursor set to follow your 
VoiceOver cursor in your VoiceOver Utility navigation settings, you may have to 
first  route your Mouse Cursor to your VoiceOver cursor with VO-Command-F5 
before clicking to highlight with VO-Shift-Space.)   Then jump to the 
associated songs table with VO-Command-T. Navigate to the Commencement series 
entry, and highlight it by clicking with VO-Shift-Space. Use Option+Right arrow 
to expand the series, then find your episode and start playing by pressing 
space bar.  I might first navigate to the search text field (with 
Command-Option-F) and type in "Steve Jobs" to limit the displayed entries in 
the songs table to matches to that search term.

HTH. It's a very inspirational podcast about how to live and make choices.



> On 06/10/2011 04:11, Mrs. Lynnette Annabel Smith wrote:
>> Hello everybody
>> It was with the greatest of regret that Gordon and I learned of the passing 
>> away of Steve Jobs yesterday. Steve will long be remembered I think by each 
>> and every one of us on this list; as, without his efforts, his vision and 
>> his determination, we would none of us be in the position we are today. 
>> Whether we use Macs, iOS devices or both, we are all beneficiaries of 
>> Steve's work. Without it we'd all be stuck in the Microsoft net and all be 
>> paying through the nose for what we often take for granted.
>> Steve, whether we knew him personally or not, has had a huge impact upon the 
>> lives of millions upon millions of people around the globe. Were it not for 
>> him, this list would not exist. The very fact that the servers powering the 
>> group are running OSX is testimony to his efforts and I am sure we are all 
>> deeply grateful for them.
>> May Steve rest in peace in a better place than this world; and may his 
>> legacy continue to speak for him many years from now.
>> Lynne

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