Hi all, I've recently been posting but possibly due to settings with my account, the emails have not been getting through or I have not been receiving answering emails. Gordon and Lynne are resolving or have resolved the issue with the account. Anyway, I managed to find out how to resolve the following issue and here is the solution. I could not install either Sodbeans or Netbeans IDEs to write java applications. The problem was that at disc selection during installation, the continue button remained dimmed despite all efforts. To resolve, first open Terminal then write java and press enter. The mac will do the rest, once finished installation of both was straightforward. The cash handed to Apple which was rapidly snapped up did not help when I called Apple as they could not help as java is not an Apple application. So not impressed with them.
Regards and hope this helps someone else. Roger <--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net ---> To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net You can find an archive of all messages posted to the Mac-Access forum at either the list's own dedicated web archive: <http://mail.tft-bbs.co.uk/pipermail/mac-access/index.html> or at the public Mail Archive: <http://www.mail-archive.com/mac-access@mac-access.net/>. Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from: <http://www.mail-archive.com/mac-access@mac-access.net/maillist.xml> The Mac-Access mailing list is guaranteed malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and worm-free! Please remember to update your membership options periodically by visiting the list website at: <http://mail.tft-bbs.co.uk/mailman/listinfo/mac-access/options/>