Hi Ann,

Once you are on the preferences pane for mail and have selected your account in 
the table (steps 1-3 of previous instructions),  stop interacting with the 
table and navigate with VO-Right arrow through the tabs for "Account 
Information", "Mailbox Behaviors", to the 3rd tab for "Advanced" and select it 
with VO-Space (step 4).

5. Continue to navigate with VO-Right arrow to the fields on the "Advanced 
tab". Navigate past the first set of options, which simply specify that the 
account is enabled and will be included when automatically checking for inbox 
messages, along with what content you want to keep for offline viewing (e.g. 
all messages with attachments, all messages but no attachments, only read 
messages, no messages).  The section you want to edit begins with "Check with 
your system administrator before changing any of the advanced options below:"
5a. The first field is a text box for IMAP path Prefix.  (This is blank for my 
5b. The next field is a text box for Port, followed by a checked checkbox for 
"Use SSL".  This is where you want to change the port setting.

My "Advanced" tab preferences pane may appear different from yours, because I 
am using MobileMe IMAP as my mail server.  However, you should still be able to 
find a text box with the Port setting that you can change on the "Advanced" 
tab.  The 995 value is used for POP mail configuration using SSL (secure 
sockets layer); I use 993 for the corresponding IMAP configuration with SSL for 
MobileMe, The "25" value for the Port setting does not support SSL 
(authentication). After the checked check box for "Use SSL", I have an entry 
for "Authentication" with a pop up button (aka as combo box) set to "Password".

I think that the options to select ports were shown to you when you did the 
original mail setup on the "Account Information" tab (1 of 3) under the 
"Accounts" pane of your mail preferences.  If you were to add a new mail 
account (e.g., by pressing (VO-Space) the "New account" button that is below 
the table of accounts, and that you can navigate to from the table with VO-Down 
arrow), the dialog window would take you through the steps of filling in the 
information that is on the "Account Information" tab (1 of 3), and the 
"Advanced tab" (3 of 3).

At a guess, because I don't have a POP mail setup, after you switch to a 
secured port (995), you may have to supply an authentication method, usually a 
password for your outgoing mail server, if sending still does no work for you 
once you have completed the changes to port number and closed the preferences 
window (with Command-W in step 6).  If you need to add this, you would do so 
from the "Account Information" tab of the "Accounts" pane of your mail 
preferences.  Your preferences in mail should open (with Command-comma) at your 
last setting (e.g., with the "Accounts" pane and "Advanced" tab selected. The 
steps you would then take would be:

1. You would simply navigate with VO-Right arrow to the "Account Information" 
tab (1 of 3) and press it (VO-Space), then continue to navigate to the pop up 
button for the "Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP)".  
2. Press the pop up button for the outgoing mail server (VO-Space), then arrow 
down to the menu option for "Edit SMTP Server List…" and press return.
3. A dialog window with a table of "Servers" will appear, that will allow you 
to select your server and check that the server being used has the password 
field completed. Again, when you stop interacting with the table after 
selecting a server, there will be tabs for "Account Information" and "Advanced" 
that you can select and press (VO-Space).  The "Advanced" tab should have 
information about the ports, etc.  There will be buttons for "OK" and "Cancel" 
that will return you to the "Account Information" tab of your Mail Preferences 
"Account" pane.

If my last set of comments after the information on how to find the text box to 
set the port on the "Advanced" tab don't appear relevant, please just ignore 
them.  They're supplied in case you need to take further actions, and are just 
guesses about what you might need to do.  I think you can also make adjustments 
to the port settings and password entries by starting from the "Account 
Information" tab and selecting your Outgoing Mail Server from the pop up menu, 
then choosing to "Edit SMTP Server List…" (the second set of instructions that 
start with "1"), but the detailed instructions would depend on your specific 
server configuration.  Again, you'd end up selecting the "Advanced" tab to make 
your changes to port number.  There is an option with radio buttons to select 
either using the default ports (25, 465, or 587) or to use a custom port (and 
fill in the number in the text box).

This is the sort of material that I never remember, and that the "Take Control" 
guide series supplies so well. So I really hope that they have an update to the 
volume on Apple Mail in Snow Leopard for Lion.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Feb 24, 2012, at 4:48 AM, Ann Byrne wrote:

> Hi, Esther,
> I'm still fighting the mail battle with my newly acquired Mac mini.  In your 
> post below, I can get through step 4, but in step 5 can't figure out how to 
> navigate to the settings of port and so on.  It's user ignorance, of course.  
> Can you rescue me???
> Thanks for all the help.
> Ann
> At 08:02 PM 2/19/2012, you wrote:
>> Hello Anne,
>> I'm not sure how your mail port settings should be configured, but you can 
>> get to this information through your Mail preferences settings.
>> 1. From Mail, type Command-Comma to bring up your preferences menu
>> 2. Navigate to the "Accounts" button on your title bar and press it. A quick 
>> way to do this is to use Control-F5 to move to the toolbar then tab to the 
>> "Accounts" button and press with VO-Space, then tab past the last button to 
>> where you here "Accounts, table"
>> 3. Interact with the table to select the account you want to work with then 
>> stop interacting with the table
>> 4. Navigate (VO-RIght arrow) to the "Advanced" tab (3 of 3), and select it 
>> (VO-Space).  These are the advanced settings for the account that you 
>> selected, whose basic information was specified on the "Account information" 
>> tab (1 of 3).
>> 5. Navigate to the advanced options that include text boxes for items such 
>> as IMPA Path Prefix and Port number, and make any necessary changes.
>> 6. Close the Preferences window with Command-W when done.
>> One of the very useful guides in the "Take Control" series of ebooks put out 
>> by TidBITS is the one dealing with Apple Mail.  The last available version 
>> is "Take Control of Apple in Snow Leopard" and there is not yet an update 
>> for Lion.  I'd wait for the new version to appear, then take advantage of 
>> the special 80 per cent discount that members of this list have for 
>> purchasing the Take Control guides.  To read more about this, check the 
>> "Breaking News!" link at the main mac-access.net web page:
>> http://www.mac-access.net/
>> These guides have all sorts of information that I haven't found as easily in 
>> other places.  At typical prices to list members of $2 to $3 per guide, and 
>> with permanent access to the latest revisions and updates for download in 
>> PDF, ePub, etc. formats, I think these are well worth if if you need more 
>> extensive information on one of these subjects than you can get from 
>> questions on the list.
>> HTH.  Cheers,
>> Esther
>> On Feb 19, 2012, at 3:24 PM, Ann Byrne wrote:
>> > On my new/used Mac mini, I can receive mail, but can't send it.  I think 
>> > the problem is with the ports.  In mail, under accounts, advanced, I can't 
>> > find the place to change the port settings.  I found it once, and it said 
>> > 25, 465, 5, 7, radio button, 1 of 2.  the second was a custom, and I guess 
>> > that's what I needed, because instead of 25 it should be 995.  But I 
>> > wanted to double check.  And I have *never, not once, been able to get 
>> > back to that dialog.
>> >
>> > Can someone tell me please how to get there???  Or am I barking up the 
>> > wrong mailbox?
>> >
>> > thanks much,
>> >
>> > Ann
>> >

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