Hi Melissa,

For Mail in Lion, I'm using the Classic view, but that shouldn't affect the way 
you search your messages.

> 1.  let's say that I'm at the top of my message list and want to search for 
> keywords in message subjects, how would I do this?  using the command+f, 
> command+option+f and other combinations don't seem to work.  I know how to 
> find something while enside a message, but I'm currently concerned about 
> message subjects right now.
I use Command-Option-F, type in a search, and then VO-Down arrow to look for 
search options.  For example, if I type in "Melissa" and VO-Down arrow (or just 
Down Arrow if Quick Nav is on), I'll get options like "Melissa" where I can 
choose all messages where my search term occurs anywhere, or I can continue to 
arrow down past "People" and find find messages from "Melissa Tucker" or any 
other "Melissa" in my selected mailbox.  Then I can arrow down past "Subject" 
and find messages where "Melissa" occurs in the subject line of a message.  So 
if I wanted to find "Melissa" in the subject line, I would press the return key 
or use VO-Space or simultaneously press the up and down arrow keys in Quick Nav 
mode there.  Then my results would be filtered to show only messages that 
matched "Melissa" in the subject line if I navigate back to the messages table.

In order to cancel your filtering, you have to use Command-Option-F again, 
interact with the search text field, then navigate (with VO-RIght arrow, or 
right arrow in Quick nav) to the "Cancel" button and press it (with VO-Space, 
or by pressing the up and down arrow key if in Quick Nav mode).  Then when you 
navigate back to your mail messages table you'll see all your messages again.  
You may have to stop interacting with the tool bar to navigate to the messages 
> 2.  I don't know how well I can explain this so it will make since, but I'll 
> try.
>       I'm viewing messages and want voice over to read just the from field 
> and subject line of messages when I put the cursor on the message before 
> opening it.  I don't want it to continuously say "5 messages conversation 
> collapsed" or something like that.  My server hasn't deleted a lot of 
> messages and for some reason I have over 123,000 messages to go through and I 
> need to decide whether I want to delete, ar hive, etc.  I hope I'm making 
> since.  How can I do this?  

Sarah answered this for the Classic layout, which I'm also using.  I navigate 
to the "From:" column in the mail messages table and then I use VO-R to 
announce all the information on that row starting from my current column 
without having to VO-right arrow, which saves a step or two.  To select 
"Classic layout" bring up your Mail preference with Command-comma and navigate 
to the "View" tab.  The first entry is a checkbox for "Classic layout".

HTH.  Cheers,


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