On Jul 17, 2012, at 12:32 PM, Gordon Smith wrote:

> I think this is a vestige of the former "MobileMe".  Did you have a MobileMe 
> account on your other box?  MobileMe has now been retired.
> Gordon
Hi Gordon,

        That's interesting.  I never had a Mobil Me account.  this is happening 
on a new install of Lyon that I just sent my data to by Merge Utility.  

It doesn't sound like anything Mini specific and not something I'll need.

So, I tried to eject it and it says eject but it stays there.  Nothing I tried 
in Finder preferences seemed to apply to it.  and I tried to open it and my 
finder became busy and stayed that way  until I relunched it.

One clarification.  I see it when I open a new Finder window but it is not on 
the desktop when that is the only thing open in Finder.

I feel less silly asking what might have been a simple question, now that a 
experience user was unfamiliar with it.

Just for the heck of it I unchecked Bonjour Computers in my sidebar but that 
did nothing.

Thanks for the info.

Eric Caron 

> On 17 Jul 2012, at 16:50, Eric Caron <eric_ca...@mac-access.net> wrote:
> Hi listers,
> On my new mid 2011 Mini I have something called Remote Disc on my desk top.  
> This doesn't exist on my Mac book. 
>       Can someone tell me what Remote Disc is?  
> Eric Caron 
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