Hi Esther,
It sounds, from your description of the IA writer app, that you are actually 
using the iPad to type texts. I've been using an Apple bt keyboard to 
accomplish this if I have to write anything of length, because I find it so 
much faster to type that way without having to wait for vo feedback for each 
letter typed. So I'm curious, as I assume you're not using a bt keyboard in 
conjunction with this app, as moving your hands from the keyboard to the iPad 
would be inefficient, and you have all the access to keys or key combinations 
on the external keyboard that this app supplies. I get the convenience factor 
of not having to have two pieces of gear if you use this app. Just wondering 
about the efficiency hit. Also, I have an iPad 1, so if you're on the newer 
model, perhaps there is less lag between touching letters and vo announcement?


Mary Otten

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