Hello Will,

You'll have to follow the upgrade procedures on the InfoVox FAQ page at:
This was recently discussed on list when Paul Hopewell ran into a similar 
problem in upgrading.  Gordon's suggestion of using the Voice Manager to 
reactivate the voices works if you have the new account set up, I think.  But 
in going from the old system of packages by language to the new system of 
credits per voice you have to both create the new account and do something to 
let the setup read your old license files.  That means, I think, that even 
though the new licenses work on more than one machine, you have to upgrade to 
the iVox 3 voices on a machine that has your old iVox 2 license files -- you 
can't do this as a clean install.  Paul mentioned that the instructions weren't 
quite correct for his case, but that he managed to get this sorted, so you 
might have to ask him for details.

Incidentally, to find this kind of information in the archives, please either 
use the Mail Archive link at the bottom of each post or a bookmark to that 
page, or grab the mac-access.url file that I uploaded to the new facility for 
small scripts and useful files that Lynne posted about earlier at:

If you put that web shortcut file on your desktop or in your dock, opening the 
file will open the Mail Archive page for this group in your default browser, 
and you can search for content by typing your search terms into the text box 
like doing a Google search specifically on this list, but with more powerful 
and easier to use options.

For example, I got the FAQ link from my earlier post by typing "InfoVox FAQ" 
into the search text box and pressing return, and then opening the first linked 
result.  You can read down the thread by pressing Control+n or up threads with 
Control+p for the next and previous posts.  You can also use wild cards or 
Boolean operators in the search terms, which is useful if the term is 
misspelled, and you can use qualifiers that end in semi-colons like "from:" or 
"sort:" to modify results.  For example, to limit your searches to messages 
posted by a given user, use "from:" (without quotes and with the colon at the 
end ofthe word) and then type in the user name.  So I could have typed:
from: Esther InfoVox sort: newest
in the search box to get all messages that I posted with InfoVox in the test 
and get the results sorted by date order, newest first, instead of by relevancy 
order, which is what you generally want.

HTH.  Cheers,

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

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