these are the instructions I sent to gordon privately for anyone else who may be struggling or need help with fleksy.
Hi Gordon this is how you use fleksy. 1. open the app and it will say loading. 2. when it is loaded and says triple tap home to start typing then you just triple tap the home button witch will turn voice over off. 3. to type what you wish to type just tap with one finger on the screen where you think each letter of the word you want to type is, you don't have to be accurate. 4. swipe to the write and it will tell you what word it thinks you typed, if it is the wrong word just keep swiping down till it finds the write word that you meant to type. If it does not find the word you meant then just do a swipe to the left to delete the last word it told you. Then try again on a different part of the screen maybe a bit to the left or write of where you first typed. 5. to put a full stop in swipe to the write again after you've typed the word and it will put the full stop in, swipe down if you want a question mark comma or exclamation mark. There are more advanced simbles you can put in but not played with it yet. Fleksy has become really useful to me over the last few weeks. When you have finished typing what you wish to type then turn voice over back on and if you swipe to the write a menu will come up with what you can do with the text. It will then take you in to the section that allows you to do the action. I do not know weather you use Audio boo but if you do do a search for ianmcnamara and I have done a boo explaining how to use fleksy. Hope this helps. Ian McNamara <--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net ---> To reply to this post, please address your message to You can find an archive of all messages posted to the Mac-Access forum at either the list's own dedicated web archive: <> or at the public Mail Archive: <>. Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from: <> The Mac-Access mailing list is guaranteed malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and worm-free! Please remember to update your membership options periodically by visiting the list website at: <>